What are the JAMB subject combination for Business Education for 2025/2026? If you are writing JAMB this year and you want to know the JAMB as well the O level (WAEC) subject combination required to study Business Education under the faculty of Education for 2025/2026 then it may please you to know that we have covered JAMB and WAEC subject combination for Business Education here in this post you are currently reading.

So, in this post, we will be updating all JAMB and WAEC candidates who will be sitting for the upcoming JAMB examination with the JAMB subject combination for Business Education for the 2025/2026 academic session.
Keep in mind that the JAMB subject combinations as well as the o level (WAEC) requirements mentioned on this post are only meant for Business Education under the faculty of Education.
JAMB Subject Combination For Business Education
The required JAMB subject subject combination for Business Education are:
Mathematics, Economics plus one of Literature in English, History, Government, Geography, Chemistry and Physics.
Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks
(i) DELSU accepts any three subjects
(ii) TASUED and UNIBEN require Mathematics, Economics and any other subject in Arts or Social Sciences.
(iii) UNILAG requires one (1) other subject from Accounting, Computer Studies, Government, Geography, Commerce and Business Management.
(iv) BASU accepts Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
(v) KWASU accepts English, Mathematics plus any other 2 Social Science subjects.
(vi) UNN requires Mathematics, Economics, plus one of Commerce, History, Government, Geography,Chemistry and Physics.
(vii) OOU requires Economics or Commerce and any two other Arts or Social Science subjects.
WAEC (O Level) Subject Requirements For Business Education
The list of compulsory WAEC subjects required for Business Education under the faculty of are as follows:
Five TC II merit, SSCE or NTC/NBC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two other subjects in the Social Science or Arts. For NBC holders, the other subjects could be from any of the following: Commerce, office Practice, Principles of Accounts, Secretarial Duties, Typewriting and Shorthand.
Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks
(i) EBSU and UNIZIK accept credit in RSA Business Studies stage II.
(ii) EBSU accepts ‘O’ level/RSA Business Stage II in 5 relevant subjects.
(iii) RSUST requires Bus Mgt, accounting, typewriting, Government or Commerce.
(iv) UNN requires credit passes in five subjects obtained at SSCE/ NECO/ NABTEB/ GCE ‘O’ Level which must include, English language, Mathematics and any of the following subjects: Economics, History, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Typewriting, Government, Geography, Physics and Chemistry
(v) UNIBEN accepts Commerce in lieu of Economics.
(vi) BASU requires Five O’ level credits in English Language, Mathematics/Arithmetic, Economics/ Social Studies and any two subjects.
(vii) TASUED requires Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings in English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects in the Social Science or Arts which must include Economics.
(viii) NDU requires five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, and any three of Principles of Accounts, Commerce/Economics, Insurance, Store Keeping/Management, Word Processing, including any one of the Social Science subjects in not more than two sittings.
(ix) LASU accepts any one of Business Methods, Principles of Account, Book Keeping or Commerce.
(x) KAWASU requires five credit passes to include English, Mathematics Plus any 1 of Economics, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Typewriting plus any two other Social Science subjects.