How to print JAMB original result slip online for the 2024/2025 academic session – Here is how to print UTME result slip using your phone without an email or password.
After writing UTME and checking your result through the JAMB result checker portal or SMS, the next thing to do is to print your Original UTME result slip.
JAMB Original Result for the 2024/2025 academic session is out, and it’s now available online for PRINTING.
Printing your JAMB Original Result online after generating a bill and paying via is possible.
JAMB Original result for 2024/2025 academic session will be out on the 22nd July 2024.
This article will show you how to print your JAMB result slip quickly and easily this year and the requirements.
Additionally, you’ll know how to print JAMB Original Results from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
What is JAMB Original Result?
JAMB original result is an official document issued to candidates who sat for the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
This document contains your Examination score for each subject and the total score.
Original JAMB result slip printing is now Three thousand Naira (N3,000).

How to Print JAMB Result for 2024/2025 Academic Session
Follow these steps to print your original UTME Result slip online:
- Go to the JAMB results Printing Portal via or send a direct message to SchoolPursuit on WhatsApp via 08164595198.
- Provide your JAMB profile code, full name, and registration number.
- Make a Payment
- After successfully following the previous steps, allow up to one (1) minute for your ORIGINAL RESULT SLIP to be PRINTED.
Optional Method
If you prefer in-person Printing or JAMB CBT, follow these steps:
- Visit the nearest JAMB office.
- Request for JAMB result slip printing form
- Please fill out the form with your relevant details and submit it.
- Make the necessary payment.
- Wait for your result to be printed.
Additional Information
- There is no deadline for printing the JAMB original result; you can print it anytime.
- Print with the right person so they don’t end up editing and manipulating the result for you.
- If you allow someone to edit your result, your name will not appear on the JAMB matriculation list.
- You can print and reprint your result, provided you can pay.
We hope you found our article on how to print JAMB original result slip online for the 2024/2025 academic session helpful.
Read Also:
- How to Print JAMB Admission Letter online
- How to Upload O’level result online
- School Whose Post UTME Form is out
- How to Check Admission Status
- JAMB Form and How to Apply
Good luck!
How to pass my jamb and become a guru
show me my jamb result
Pls show me my jamb result
[email protected]
Original copy
Have been trying to check my results, but it saying original results have not been activated for this year
Same here also I even made payment too
You Are A Scam, the Original Result Is Not Yet Out
Yes sure
It is out already and have gotten mine
how much the payment pls?
I have not yet seen my jamb result
You can check it now
Same pls what will we do
I haven’t seen my jamb result
Same here
It’s not yet uploaded on the portal I think
I have been trying to print my result but it keeps saying original result printing not yet activated for this year.
The same here
The SIM I used for Jamb registration is barred so how can I check or print result or possibly do change of phone number
Hi. My sister has the same issue, have you been able to check your result now?
Same with me
Please when will original jamb Result be out
I made payment but still not showing anything yet and is still saying I should pay before seeing it again… what should I do please?
I can’t see my jamb results
But what is expected of the students when some schools are asking for jamb results print out for post utme…
Have also not see my jamb result
Can you help me to print the results, I paid but I didn’t allow it as you said. I have the RRR number
For those of us that made the payment, let’s rest our mind, the original result will be out 25th may 2024
Have you been able to print yours out
What now happens to does writing the defense academy exam today the 25th of may and need to present there JAMB result slip.
How can I checky jamb result
How Much Will I Pay For Original Result Slip
I want to check out my jamb results
My own JAMB caps is showing me Original UTME result is not yet activate for this year.
I want to check out my jamb results
I have paid, I haven’t been able to print my result only to get transaction details on my email.transaction status: pending why?
I have paid and the transaction status is showing paid(not used), but whenever I try to print my jamb result it show jamb results for 2024 not activated. Please what do I do?
I believe we should all wait till around or towards the ending of this month, cause omooo, nobody really knows the official release date. And to those who have paid, if it’s showing “not used”, it means your payment is still valid, so no fear. Make everybody just stay guided!!
I have paid and the transaction status is showing paid(used), but whenever I try to print jamb result it show jamb results for 2024 not activated, ad now it is showing payment again
I checked mine too not long ago it shows jamb result for this year is not yet activated and have paid since last two weeks what to do ?
My payment is still pending for hours now
Please show me my jamb result
I need my jamb original result
It is helpful thanks